
Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

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Словарь-справочник содержит термины, основные модели и формулы, список английских сокращений и таблицы, используемые в сфере банковского дела. Предназначен для студентов дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности «Финансы и кредит», а также может быть полезен для слушателей той же специальности.

cC & F - Cost and Freight
C & IC , N
C , O - Certificate of OriginC , V - Certificate of Value
C , VO - Certificate of Value and OriginC of E - Council of Europe
C´vr - CoverC,A
c. div. - Cum Dividendc.b. - Cash Book
c.dc.i.f.c.i. - Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission, and Interest
c.i.f.e. - Cost, Insurance, Freight, and Exchangec.i.f.i. - Cost, Insurance, Freight, and Interest
c.v.d. - Cash Versus DocumentsCABEI - Central American Bank for Economic Integration
CAC 40CACM - Central American Common Market
CADCAES - Computer Assisted Execution System
CAFcalc. - Calculate
Can $ - Canadian DollarCan. - Canada
capCAP - Common Agricultural Policy
CAPM - Capital Asset Pricing ModelCAPS - Convertible Adjustable Preferred Stocks
CAR - Compound Annual ReturnCARDs - Certificates for Amortizing Revolving Debt
CARICOM - Caribbean Community and Common MarketCARIFTA - Caribbean Free Trade Association
CARS - Certificates for Automobile ReceivablesCART - Classification and Regression Trees
CATSCBA - Cost Benefit Analysis
CBK - CheckbookCBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange
CBOT - Chicago Board of TradeCC
CCA - Current Cost AccountingCCC - Commodity Credit Corporation, U.S
CCICCT - Certificati di Credito del Tesoro, Italy = Floating Rate Notes
CCUs - Capital Currency UnitsCD - Certificate of Deposit
CDR - Continental Depositary ReceiptCDS - Canadian Depository for Securities
CDs - Certificates of DepositCE
CEA - Council of Economic AdvisersCED - Committee for Economic Development
CEDEL S.A. - Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs MobiliereCEIB - Central - European International Bank
CEO - Chief Executive OfficerCET
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