
Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

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Словарь-справочник содержит термины, основные модели и формулы, список английских сокращений и таблицы, используемые в сфере банковского дела. Предназначен для студентов дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности «Финансы и кредит», а также может быть полезен для слушателей той же специальности.

fF & AP - Fire and Allied Perils
F & D - Freight and Demuragef.d. - Free Delivery
f.g. - Fully Goodf.i.o. - For Information Only
FA - Free AlongsideFaa - Free of All Average
FAIEx - Fellow of the Australian Institute of ExportFAQ - Fair Average Quality
FAS - Free Alongside ShipFASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
FAT - Fixed Asset TransferFAZ - FAZ Index
FBI - Federation of British IndustriesFBIBA - Fellow of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association
FBIM - Fellow of the British Institute of ManagementFBINZ - Fellow of the Banker’s Institute of New Zealand
FBO - For the Benefit OfFBT - Fringe Benefit Tax
FBu - Burundi FrancFCA
FCAI - Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Cost AccountantsFCF - Free Cash Flow
FCIBFCM - Futures Commission Merchant
FCMA - Fellow of the Institute of Cost and Management AccountantsFCOJ - Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice
Fd - ForwardFDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDO - For Declaration OnlyFE - Far East
Feb - FebruaryFEC - Foreign Exchange Certificate
Fed - Federal Reserve SystemFed Wire
FederationFEER - Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate
FEI - Far Eastern IndexFELIN - Fonds d´Etat Libres d´Inte re t Nominal = French Zero Coupon Bonds
FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionFESE - Far Eastern Stock Exchange
FET - Federal Excise TaxFFA - Fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants
FFB - Federal Financing BankFFC - Foreign Funds Control
FFCS - Federal Farm Credit SystemFFI - Finance for Industry
FFIEC - Federal Financing Institutions Examination CouncilFfr - French Franc
ffy - FaithfullyFHA
FHFB - Federal Housing Finance Board, U.SFHLBB - Federal Home Loan Bank Board, U.S
FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, U.S. = Fredie MacFHLMC Certificate
FIA - Futures Industry AssociationFIBID - Frankfurt Interbank Bid Rate
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