
Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

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Словарь-справочник содержит термины, основные модели и формулы, список английских сокращений и таблицы, используемые в сфере банковского дела. Предназначен для студентов дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности «Финансы и кредит», а также может быть полезен для слушателей той же специальности.

GG $ - Guyana Dollar
G & AE - General and Administrative ExpensesG , A - General Average
G - 10 - Group of TenG - 15 - Group of Fifteen
G - 20 - Group of TwentyG - 24 - Group of Twenty Four
G - 3 - Group of ThreeG - 30 - Group of Thirty
G - 5 - Group of FiveG - 7 - Group of Seven
G - 77 - Group of Seventy Seveng - Guilder
g.b.o. - Goods In Bad Orderg.m.b. - Good Merchantable Brand
g.m.q. - Good Merchantable Qualityg.o.b. - Good Ordinary Brand
GAB - General Arrangement to BorrowGAFTA - Grain and Feed Trade Association
GAI - Guaranteed Annual IncomeGAINS - Growth and Income Securities, U.S
GANs - Grant Anticipation NotesGATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade = Gatt
GBP - British PoundGBS - Gold Bullion Standard
GCBS - General Council of British ShippingGCC - Gas Consumers Council
GDP - Gross Domestic ProductGDS - Goods
GE - Gilt EdgedGEM - Growing Equity Mortgage
GEMMA - Gilt - Edged Market Makers Association, U.KGEMS - Gilt - Edged Market Makers, U.K
General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the ECGEPLACEA - Grupo de Pai ses Latinoamericanos y del Caribe Exportadores de Azucar = Latin American and Carribean Sugar Exporting Nations
German IndustryGermany
Ges - GesellschaftGF
GFR - German Federal RepublicGHC - Ghanian Cedi
GI - Government IssueGib. - Gibraltar
GINNIE МАЕGIP - Gibraltar Pound
Gld. - GuilderGMAC - General Motors Acceptance Corporation
GMD - Gambian DalasiGMT - Greenwich Mean Time
gn. - GuineaGNF - Guinea Franc
GNMA - Government National Mortgage AssociationGNP - Gross National Product
GODFRA - Gold Deposit Forward Rate AgreementGOFRA - Gold Forward Rate Agreement
GOLDFRA - Gold Lease Forward Rate AgreementGOs - General Obligation Bonds
GovGovernment Funded Export Credit and Insurance Agency
Показано 1—60 из 80