
Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

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Словарь-справочник содержит термины, основные модели и формулы, список английских сокращений и таблицы, используемые в сфере банковского дела. Предназначен для студентов дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности «Финансы и кредит», а также может быть полезен для слушателей той же специальности.

I , L - Import Licencei - Interest
I - Intii.v. - Increased Value
IACO - Inter - African Coffee OrganisationIADB - Inter - American Development Bank
IAM - Institute of Administrative ManagementIASC - International Accounting Standards Committee
IBIBA - International Banking Act of 1978
IBB - Invest In Britain BureauIBEC - International Bank for Economic Cooperation
IBEL - Interest - Bearing Eligible LiabilityIBEX 35 Index
IBFs - International Banking FacilitiesIBI - Invoice Book Inwards
IBO - Invoice Book OutwardsIBRC - Insurance Brokers Registration Council
IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentIBRO - International Bank Research Organization
IBS - Institute of Bankers in ScotlandICAEW - Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales
ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants In IrelandICAS - Institute of Chartered Accountants In Scotland
ICB - International Correspondent BankerICC - International Chamber of Commerce
ICCH - International Commodities Clearing HouseICCO - International Cocoa Organisation
ICFC - Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation, U.KICM - Institute of Credit Management
ICO - International Coffee OrganisationICON - Index Currency Option Note
ICUMSA - International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar AnalysisID
IDA - International Development AssociationIDB
IDC - Industrial Development CertificateIDCA - International Development Cooperation Agency, U.S
IDRIDRC - International Development Research Centre
IDs - International Dealers, U.KIEA - International Energy Agency
IEP - Irish PuntIEPA - Intra - European Payments Agreement
IET - Interest Equalization Tax, U.SIFA
IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentIFC - International Federation of Surveyors
IFC - International Finance CorporationIFIP - International Federation for Information Processing
IFIs - International Financial InstitutionsIFMA - Institutional Fund Managers´ Association, U.K
IFOIFOE - Irish Futures and Options Exchange
IGD - Illicit Gold DealerIHA - Issuing Houses Association, U.K
IIB - International Investment BankIII; 3i - Investors In Industry, U.K
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