
Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

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Словарь-справочник содержит термины, основные модели и формулы, список английских сокращений и таблицы, используемые в сфере банковского дела. Предназначен для студентов дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности «Финансы и кредит», а также может быть полезен для слушателей той же специальности.

SS & FA - Shipping and Forwarding Agents
S & H - Shipping and HandlingS & P - Standard and Poor’s Corporation
S & P 100 - Standard and Poor’s 100 Stock IndexS & P 500 - Standard and Poor’s 500 Stock Index
S , A - Subject To AcceptanceS , D - Sight Draft
S , N - Spot , NextS , R - Sale Or Return
S&Ls. - Shilling
s.i. - Sum Insureds.o.l. - Shipowner’s Liability
s.p. - Starting Prices.v. - Surrender Value
SAA - Special Arbitrage AccountSAAFA - Special Assistance Fund for Africa
SADC - Southern Africa Development CommunitySAEF - Stock Exchange Automatic Execution Facility
SAFEBBA - SAFEs + BBA Master TermsSAFEs - Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange
SAGITTAIRE - Syste me de Compensation E lectronique de la Banque de FranceSAIF - Savings Association Insurance Fund
SAM - Shared Appreciation MortgageSAMA - Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
SAR - Saudi Arabian RiyalSat. - Saturday
SAYE - Save As You Earn, U.KSB
SBASBD - Solomon Islands Dollar
SBF - Socie te des Bourses Franc aise = French Stock Exchange AssociationSBIC - Small Business Investment Company, U.S
Sch. - Austrian ShillingSCORE - Special Claim On Residual Equity, U.S
Scot. - ScotlandSCOUT - Shared Currency Option Under Tender
SCR - Seychelles Rupeescr. - Scrip
SDSDA - Securities Dealers Association, Japan
SDBL - Sight Draft, Bill of Lading AttachedSDD - Sudanese Dinar
SDP - Sudanese PoundSDR - Special Drawing Rights
SDS A,C - Sundries AccountSE
SE & O - Salve Errore et OmissioneSEAQ - Stock Exchange Automated Quotation
SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission, U.SSecs - Securities
SecuritiesSED - Shipper’s Export Declaration
SEDOL - Stock Exchange Daily Official ListSEK - Swedish Krona
SELA - Sistema Econo mico LatinoAmericanoSEOYB - Stock Exchange Official Year Book
SEP - Simplified Employee Pension, U.SSep. - September
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